焦點新聞 焦點新聞 /台灣畫 /日期: 2009/3/3



"I guessed the woman sit at the right hand side is mainland China and she is arguing and interrogate the other two girls, Taiwan is the girl sit at the left side and she looks frustration and sad, she even don't want to say any more, the girl at the middle is our aboriginal who doesn't know how to deal with the debates between the other two. I have seen a similar painting few years ago, but the roles are USA, Mainland China, Japan and Taiwan. anyway, it is a sad sight with black-interesting topic. Sad, sad, asd. "

他看了另一件林復南的瓶花(上圖右),則寫信給故事作者表示:" I like this one, and thought Mr Lin truly have somthing. I have read the background for this painting, and love the true story. You looks extremely young and pretty from the attached photo It is life. "




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