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Liu Yung-jen → Between the Deep Breaths of an Artist [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月4日 下午 01:39:39
Artistic creation is much more than something we need in our lives, it is an activity essential to the very essence of life itself. As I think and paint I self-consciously wander between reality and imagination, pacing back and forth in search of answers in a place of complete spiritual freedom.
Liu Yung-jen

Sealed “Respiration” and Artistic “Alchemy” [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月4日 下午 01:29:19

Very few artists create because of “respiration” but it is certainly one way in which to express the relationship between “art,” “life” and “living.” The following are a few observations on the artist’s creative process based on a conversation with Liu Yung-jen. They offers a number of intriguing insights as to why his latest work is entitled “A Journey of Deep Respiration” .
Sun Li-chuan

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