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Si Chi Ko : Nature and Arts [ 詳文 ]
2010年4月17日 下午 01:10:00
Taiwanese photographer Si Chi Ko's works are studies in contrasts-almost, we might say, visual oxymorons, even the fabled "conjunction of opposites." They are both different and commanding, sere yet sensuous, earthy and supernal.
Gerrit Henry

傑芮.亨利 Gerrit Henry 評柯錫杰 : 自 然 與 藝 術 [ 詳文 ]
2010年4月17日 下午 01:03:23

傑芮•亨利Gerrit Henry

A Monument for the Times – Lin Fu-nan’s “The Native Returns 2007” [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月25日 下午 01:26:15

The motivating force behind recent oil paintings by Lin Fu-nan is that he is clearly keen to craft a monument for the times. “The Native Returns 2007” marks an attempt to depict the depth of the artist’s feelings for the ancient capital of Tainan through abstract painting. To that end, the canvas is infused with the artist’s feelings for the city, an emotional connection born of a long relationship between Lin and Tainan city
Hsieh Tung-shan (art critic)

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