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鳥花:my mind's eye [ 詳文 ]
2014年10月20日 下午 12:11:51

NAN GALLERY :History, Features and Management Philosophy [ 詳文 ]
2012年4月5日 下午 10:50:35

NAN GALLERY was established on Nov. 1, 1980 by a native painter in Taiwan Lin Fu-Nan. After three decades in 2010, the business management has been handed over to the second generation Lin Ying-Ying, the daughter of the gallery founder.

Si Chi Ko : Nature and Arts [ 詳文 ]
2010年4月17日 下午 01:10:00

Taiwanese photographer Si Chi Ko's works are studies in contrasts-almost, we might say, visual oxymorons, even the fabled "conjunction of opposites." They are both different and commanding, sere yet sensuous, earthy and supernal.
Gerrit Henry

傑芮.亨利 Gerrit Henry 評柯錫杰 : 自 然 與 藝 術 [ 詳文 ]
2010年4月17日 下午 01:03:23

傑芮•亨利Gerrit Henry

NAN Gallery Today [ 詳文 ]
2008年4月6日 下午 02:51:46

Unlike those commerce-oriented galleries who sell imitated and/or fake paintings without genuine expertise in the art industry , NAN Gallery has enjoyed a very good reputation and widely recognized in Taiwan as a real expert of arts in the paintings field
Nan Gallery

About NAN: Look Back to Yesterday [ 詳文 ]
2008年4月6日 下午 02:46:10

The running of NAN Gallery can be divided into three stages , the first decade from 1980 to 1990 ; the second decade from 1991 to year 2000 ; and the third stage from 2001 until now
Nan Gallery

The Birth of NAN Gallery [ 詳文 ]
2008年4月6日 下午 02:17:08

NAN Gallery was established in 1980 by a reputable artist , Lin Fu-Nan , and a painting-oriented writer , Huang Yu-Lin , with the degree of Master of Art granted by National Taiwan Normal University , the graduate school of fine arts
Nan Gallery

Liu Yung-jen → Between the Deep Breaths of an Artist [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月4日 下午 01:39:39

Artistic creation is much more than something we need in our lives, it is an activity essential to the very essence of life itself. As I think and paint I self-consciously wander between reality and imagination, pacing back and forth in search of answers in a place of complete spiritual freedom.
Liu Yung-jen

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106 台北市敦化南路一段200號3樓。Tel.02-2751-1155. Fax.02-2773-3135.
copyright©2000, Nan Gallery