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畫家何必那麼忙-繪畫與照相之間 [ 詳文 ]
2010年4月17日 下午 04:11:16

A Monument for the Times – Lin Fu-nan’s “The Native Returns 2007” [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月25日 下午 01:26:15

The motivating force behind recent oil paintings by Lin Fu-nan is that he is clearly keen to craft a monument for the times. “The Native Returns 2007” marks an attempt to depict the depth of the artist’s feelings for the ancient capital of Tainan through abstract painting. To that end, the canvas is infused with the artist’s feelings for the city, an emotional connection born of a long relationship between Lin and Tainan city
Hsieh Tung-shan (art critic)

The Oil Painting Phenomenology of Yang Shu-huang [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月10日 下午 12:59:14

If artists are classified by the era in which they create, then Yang Shu-huang belongs to the baby boom generation. However, a review of his works is like looking at paintings by much older Taiwanese artists.
Hsieh Tung-shan

Liu Yung-jen → Between the Deep Breaths of an Artist [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月4日 下午 01:39:39

Artistic creation is much more than something we need in our lives, it is an activity essential to the very essence of life itself. As I think and paint I self-consciously wander between reality and imagination, pacing back and forth in search of answers in a place of complete spiritual freedom.
Liu Yung-jen

Sealed “Respiration” and Artistic “Alchemy” [ 詳文 ]
2007年10月4日 下午 01:29:19

Very few artists create because of “respiration” but it is certainly one way in which to express the relationship between “art,” “life” and “living.” The following are a few observations on the artist’s creative process based on a conversation with Liu Yung-jen. They offers a number of intriguing insights as to why his latest work is entitled “A Journey of Deep Respiration” .
Sun Li-chuan

薇薇阿尼廣場的祈禱 [ 詳文 ]
2001年11月21日 下午 05:52:02


與巴黎交會-法國畫家︰ 安德列.赫努 [ 詳文 ]
2001年6月13日 下午 06:13:03

1990年初,我們在赫努的巴黎工作室及其經紀畫廊手中挑選 了二十一幅油畫、版畫;想像中的巴黎,親眼見到的巴黎,赫努筆下 的「巴黎」,漸次轉換了不同的面貌──

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106 台北市敦化南路一段200號3樓。Tel.02-2751-1155. Fax.02-2773-3135.
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